- Hodges, Dewey Harper: “Nonlinear Bending and Torsion of Rotating Beams with Application to Linear Stability of Hingeless Helicopter Rotors,” Ph.D. Dissertation, Stanford University, Dec. 1972.
- Hodges, Dewey H.; and Ormiston, Robert A.: “Nonlinear Equations for Bending of Rotating Beams with Application to Linear Flap-Lag Stability of Hingeless Rotors,” NASA TM X-2770, 1973.
- Burke, J.; Hodges, D.; and Wolfe, R.: “Inflight Mast Bumping for the AH/UH Helicopter,” AMRDL Special Report, Feb. 1974.
- Hodges, D. H.; and Herrmann, G.: “Nonlinear Equations of Motion for Twisted Nonuniform Rotating Beams,” SUDAM Report No. 75-6, Stanford University, May 1975.
- Ormiston, Robert A.; Bousman, William G.; Hodges, Dewey H.; and Peters, David A.: “New Design of Hingeless Helicopter Rotor Improves Stability,” NASA Tech Brief B75-10132, June 1975.
- Hodges, Dewey H.: “Nonlinear Equations of Motion for Cantilever Rotor Blades in Hover with Pitch Link Flexibility, Twist, Precone, Droop, Sweep, Torque Offset, and Blade Root Offset,” NASA TM X-73,112, 1976.
- Hodges, Dewey H.: “Air and Ground Resonance Analysis of Helicopters with a Bearingless Main Rotor System (User’s Manual for the FLAIR Program),” Aeroflightdynamics Directorate Special Report, May 1977.
- Hodges, Dewey H.: “Aeromechanical Stability of Helicopters with a Bearingless Main Rotor – Part I: Equations of Motion,” NASA TM 78459, 1978.
- Hodges, Dewey H.: “Aeromechanical Stability of Helicopters with a Bearingless Main Rotor – Part II: Computer Program,” NASA TM 78460, 1978.
- Pochari, Thomas R.; Pitts, Samuel W.; Hodges, Dewey H.; and Nelson, Howard G.: “Report of Accident Investigation Board for UH-1B Helicopter,” NASA Ames Research Center, June 29, 1978.
- Stephens, Wendell B.; Hodges, Dewey H.; Avila, John H.; and Kung, Ru-Mei: “Stability of Nonuniform Rotor Blades in Hover Using a Mixed Formulation,” NASA TM 81226, 1980.
- Hodges, Dewey H.: “Review of The Theory of Thin-Walled Bars,” J. Applied Mechanics, vol. 49, no. 2, June 1982, p. 468.
- Kunz, Donald L.; and Hodges, Dewey H.: “Analytical Modeling of Helicopter Static and Dynamic Induced Velocity in GRASP,” NASA TM 100026, 1987.
- Ormiston, Robert A.; Warmbrodt, William G.; Hodges, Dewey H.; and Peters, David A.: “Rotorcraft Aeroelastic Stability (Army/NASA Research 1967-1987),” NASA Conference Publication 2495, Volume 1, pp. 353 – 529, 1988.
- Crespo da Silva; and Hodges, Dewey H.: “Effect of Static Equilibrium and Higher-Order Nonlinearities on Rotor Blade Stability in Hover,” NASA Conference Publication 10007, pp. 205 – 215, 1988.
- Ormiston, Robert A.; Warmbrodt, William G.; Hodges, Dewey H.; and Peters, David A.: “Survey of Army/NASA Rotorcraft Aeroelastic Stability Research,” NASA TM 101026, Oct. 1988 (Also USAAVSCOM Technical Report 88-A-005).
- Hodges, Dewey H.: “Improved Calculation of the Floquet Transition Matrix from Space-Time Finite Elements Based on a Mixed Variational Principle,” Final Report, Grant DAAL03-88-K-0164, U.S. Army Research Office, Jan. 1989.
- Hodges, Dewey H.: “Review of Dynamics of Gyroscopic Bodies,” Applied Mechanics Reviews, vol. 43, no. 4, Apr. 1990, pp. B80 – B81.
- Hodges, Dewey H.; Hopkins, A. Stewart; Kunz, Donald L.; and Hinnant, Howard E.: “General Rotorcraft Aeromechanical Stability Analysis (GRASP) Theory Manual,” NASA TM 102255 (Also USAAVSCOM Technical Report 89-A-003), 1990.
- Kunz, Donald L.; and Hodges, Dewey H.: “Analytical Modeling of Helicopter Static and Dynamic Induced Velocity in GRASP,” NASA Tech Brief ARC-12202, 1990.
- Dieter, George E.; Chapman, Jamie; Hahn, H. Thomas; Hodges, Dewey H.; Rogers, Charles W.; Valavani, Lena; and Zuteck, Michael D.: “Assessment of Research Needs for Wind Turbine Rotor Materials Technology,” National Academy Press, Washington, D.C., 1991.
- Hodges, Dewey H.: “Review of Finite Element Analysis,” Applied Mechanics Reviews, vol. 44, no. 11, Nov. 1991, pp. B177 – B178.
- Hodges, Dewey H.: “Review of Dynamics of Multibody Systems,” Applied Mechanics Reviews, vol. 45, no. 10, Oct. 1992, p. B135.
- Hodges, Dewey H.; Rehfield, Lawrence W.; and Fulton, Mark V.: “Stability of Elastically Tailored Rotor Systems,” Final Report, Grant DAAL03-89-K-0007, U.S. Army Research Office, Nov. 1992.
- Hodges, Dewey H.; Sutyrin, Vladislav G.; and Lee, Bok W.: “Modeling of Composite Beams and Plates for Static and Dynamic Analysis,” Final Report, NASA Grant NAG-1-1094, U.S. Army Aerostructures Directorate, Langley Research Center, Feb. 1993.
- Hodges, Dewey H.; and Peters, David A.: “Development of Space-Time Finite Element for Nonlinear Transient Response of Flexible Structures,” Final Report, NSF Grant MSS-8822003, National Science Foundation, May 1993.
- Hodges, Dewey H.: “Nonlinear Beam Element ,” USAATCOM Technical Memorandum 93-A-004, 2GCHAS Theory Manual, version 2.3, chapter 4.12, Mar. 1994.
- Hodges, Dewey H.: “A Review of Principles of Composite Material Mechanics,” Applied Mechanics Reviews, vol. 47, no. 10, Oct. 1994, p. B96.
- Hodges, Dewey H.; and Warner, Michael S.,: “Development of an Adaptive hp-Version Finite Element Method for Computational Optimal Control,” Final Report, NASA Grant NAG-1-1435, Mar. 1995.
- Archer, Thomas; Armstrong, Donald; Hodges, Dewey H.; Horn, Scott; Miller, Robert; Prouty, Raymond; and Wallace, William: “Technical Panel Final Report of Tasks Chartered Through March 17, 1995: Robinson Helicopter Company Models R22 and R44,” Rotorcraft Directorate, Federal Aviation Administration, Fort Worth, Texas, Mar. 17, 1995.
- Hodges, Dewey H.: “Acknowledging the Plain Truth,” Counsel of Chalcedon, vol. 17, no. 2, Apr. 1995, p. 13.
- Hodges, Dewey H.: “A Review of Continuum Mechanics,” Applied Mechanics Reviews, vol. 48, no. 10, Oct. 1995, p. B139.
- Smith, Marilyn J.; Hodges, Dewey H.; and Cesnik, Carlos E. S.: “An Evaluation of Computational Algorithms to Interface Between CFD and CSD Methodologies,” WL-TR-96-3055, Flight Dynamics Directorate, Wright Laboratory, Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio, Nov. 1995.
- Schrage, Daniel P.; Sankar, L. N.; Komerath, N.; Peters, D. A.; Hodges, D. H.; Kardomateas, G. A.; Calise, A. J.; and Prasad, J. V. R.: “Research Instrumentation for a Center of Excellence in Rotorcraft Technology (CERT),” Final Report, Grant DAAH04-93-G-0221, U.S. Army Research Office, Dec. 31, 1995.
- Olliff, Derrick K.; and Hodges, Dewey H.: “A Reformed Response to the Gay Theology of Daniel Helminiak,” Center for Reformed Theology and Apologetics, May 1997.
- Hodges, Dewey H.: “A Review of Nonlinear Stability of Structures: Theory and Computational Techniques,” Applied Mechanics Reviews, vol. 50, no. 9, Sept. 1997, p. B88, B89.
- Olliff, Derrick K.; and Hodges, Dewey H.: “A Further Look at Pro-Homosexual Theology,” Center for Reformed Theology and Apologetics, Jan. 1998.
- Smith, Marilyn J.; Hodges, Dewey H.; Cesnik, Carlos E. S.; Luker, Joel: “Fluids and Structures Interface Toolkit (FASIT), Version 1.0, Graphics, Volume 1: Technical Development Summary,” AFRL-VA-WP-TR-1998-3088, November 1998.
- Hodges, Dewey H.: “Review of Finite Element Analysis: Theory and Application with ANSYS,” Applied Mechanics Reviews, vol. 52, no. 11, November 1999, pp. B113, B114.
- Hodges, Dewey. H.; and Cesnik, Carlos E. S.: “Aeroservoelasticity of Composite-Winged Aircraft,” Final Report: Grant F49620-98-1-0032, U.S. Air Force Office of Scientific Research, Dec. 2001.
- Hodges, Dewey H.: “Review of Nonlinear Finite Elements for Continua and Structures,” Applied Mechanics Reviews, vol. 54, no. 2, Mar. 2001, p. B21.
- Hodges, D. H.; Bauchau, O. A.; Craig, J. I.; and Volovoi, V. V.: “Comprehensive Aeromechanical Analysis Using Integrated Analysis Tools,” Final report, WBS 2001-B-04-17.1.1-A1, Rotorcraft Industry Technology Association (RITA), Inc., March 2002.
- Lee, Donghoon; and Hodges, Dewey H.: “Multi-Flexible-Body Analysis for Application to Wind Turbine Control Design,” Final Report, Subcontract No. XCX-9-29204-03, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Oct. 31, 2003.
- Hodges, Dewey. H.; and Bauchau, O. A.: “Multi-body Approach to the Dynamic Analysis of Space Structures with Actuated Components,” Final Report: Grant F49620-01-1-0038, U.S. Air Force Office of Scientific Research, Dec. 2003.
- Hodges, Dewey. H.: “A New Approach to Aeroelastic Response, Stability and Loads of Missiles and Projectiles,” Final Report: Grant DAAD19-00-1-0408, U.S. Army Research Office, June 18, 2004.
- Hodges, D. H.; Bauchau, O. A.; Craig, J. I.; and Volovoi, V. V.: “Aeromechanical Analysis Tools for Advanced Design,” Final Report, WBS 2003-B-04-01.1-A1, Rotorcraft Industry Technology Association (RITA), Inc., Sept. 30, 2004.
- Lee, D.; and Hodges, D. H.: “Multi-Flexible-Body Analysis for Application to Wind Turbine Control Design,” Subcontractor Report SR-500-35228, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Sept. 2004.
- Hodges, Dewey H.: “Review of Theoretical and Computational Aeroelasticity,” AIAA Journal, vol. 50, no. 4, 2012, pp. 990 – 991.